In this response, I’ll focus on Ahyun Jeong’s blog #2.
Ahyun triggered my deep thoughts on digital space and privacy protection. I have had a similar experience, and distinguishing between “visitor space” and “residential space” is very meaningful. I mainly leave platforms such as online banking, government websites, and Brightspace after completing specific tasks, using them less frequently and with less interaction. And social media platforms such as Instagram and REDbook are a part of my daily digital life, where I stay active, participate in discussions, share content, or stay in touch with classmates.
Regarding personalized learning, I think this method really allows me to participate more actively in learning. Constructivism allows me to connect learning content with practical experience, making it easier for me to understand knowledge. Self directed learning has given me a greater sense of control, helping me set goals and track progress, which is very helpful for my academic and career development.
I fully agree with Ahyun’s views on privacy and digital footprint. Every online activity leaves a mark, and maintaining good digital habits is very important. I also regularly check my privacy settings to avoid excessive sharing of personal information and ensure that my digital identity is secure and respected.
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